Rachel is a seventeen year old girl who is traveling by train to go and stay with her Aunt at a place called Thistle Grove. Once there she will begin her duties as a rosegiver. A rosegiver will do a reading for the person and give them a rose. The roses stand for different things, such as being ill or brokenhearted. When she gets there, however, she discovers that there is more to Thistle Grove than just another small town. I liked all the characters but I would have to say that my favorite was John. I loved his wit and enjoyed reading his part of the story very much. I also really liked the main character of the story Rachel, but not as much as I did John. The story was interesting and I love how I couldn’t figure out who the villain of the story was until the very end of the book. The story did, drag in certain places. Overall I enjoyed this book. I recommend to anyone who likes a good mystery and a little ho...